Policies and Finance

Code of Conduct

All councillors are subject to the Parish’s Code of Conduct and each councillor completes a Declaration of Interest form. If you have any concerns please contact the Clerk via email.

Council Policy Documents

Parish Budget and Precept set for 2024/25

Thakeham Parish Council depend on an annual payment known as the precept, provided by Horsham District Council. The precept represents the specific amount of council tax requested from the borough council, that the parish council believes it will need to spend on projects and the grounds maintenance of the parish.

For a typical home in Band D, this adds up to £63.57 per year or £1.22 per week. The 3.9% increase over last year is just under £2.50 which is similar to the cost of a cup of coffee at a coffee shop.

We understand that any increase in precept can impact on households, who are currently finding life difficult in this current economic climate, and we want to assure you that this modest increase was with careful consideration. As always, Thakeham Parish Council aims to maintain the lowest possible precept while maintaining and renewing our parish open spaces, play areas & others services.

Financial Transparency


CURRENT ASSETS REGISTERClick here to view the current Assets Register.

Having considered the guidance of the Local Government Transparency Code (2014) in the context of this parish, Council has decided to publish the following information on an annual basis:
– Expenditure: individual items of expenditure exceeding £500; cumulative payments to single payees exceeding £500; and grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations;
– Information on any contract tendering with a value of over £5,000;
– Details of land and buildings assets held by the Council.

Copies of this and previous Annual Return documentation can be obtained from the Clerk via email.