
The Council delegates much of the detail of its business to sub-committees and working groups, with the remits and memberships below. Committee rules and protocols can found on our Policies page.

Assets and Amenities Committee

This group monitors and takes steps to maintain and improve the village’s appearance and amenities, including waste/litter, playing fields and playgrounds, green spaces (including allotments), footpaths and bridleways, transport and road safety and signage.  

Membership 2023/24: Cllrs Prince (Chair), Hunt (VC), Instance and McConnachie

Neighbourhood Planning Committee

This group oversees planning, housing and economic development issues, including considering and responding to planning applications, engagement and guidance of potential applicants, oversight of the Council’s built assets, employer liaison, economic and employment matters.  

Membership 2023/24: Cllr Watkins (Chair), McConnachie (VC) and Instance 

Personnel Committee

This group leads on matters relating to staffing.  

Membership 2023/24: Cllrs Watkins (Chair), Instance and Smith 

Other Groups

Finance & Legal Standing Group

This group oversees leads on matters relating to the Council’s finances, assets, risks and staffing.  

Membership 2023/24: TPC Chair and Vice-Chair, and chairs of other committees (ex-officio)

Community Liaison Group

This group leads on matters relating to communications, local engagement, community cohesion and safety/security issues.  

Membership 2023/24: Cllrs Instance, Schofield and Smith

Terms of Reference

Click on the image below to view the current terms of reference for each sub committee.