
Names and contact information for current members of Thakeham Parish Councillors, District and County Councillors.  All Thakeham councillors are subject to the Parish’s Code of Conduct. At this moment in time, given the upsurge in attacks on local government officials across the country, we are reviewing what can be displayed in their current Declaration of Interest forms. These are not available online until we recieve further guidance. However, if you wish to know any details or have any concerns please contact the Clerk via email.



Contact details


Mr Tony Harman

Has an address in Thakeham

Neighbourhood Planning Committee
Mr Alan Hunt Has an address in Thakeham
Finance & Legal Working Group
Assets & Amenities Committee
Ms Caroline Instance Has an address in Thakeham
Community Liaison Committee 
Assets & Amenities Committee
Ms Fiona McConnachie Has an address in Thakeham
Neighbourhood Planning Committee
Assets & Amenities Committee
Mr Norman Prince Has an address in Thakeham
Assets & Amenities Committee (Chair)
Finance & Legal Working Group
Tree Warden
Footpath Warden
Mr Tony Schofield Has an address in Thakeham
Community Liaison Committee
Mr Edwin Smith Has an address in Thakeham
Chair of Council (ex-officio on other Committees/groups)
Community Liaison Committee
Mr Stephen Watkins Has an address in Thakeham
Neighbourhood Planning Committee (Chair)
Finance & Legal Working Group

District Councillors

Ms Joy Dennis
Mr Philip Circus
Mr Alan Manton

County Councillor

Ms Charlotte Kenyon