The Parish Council has eleven elected Councillors who serve for a period of four years. The Council usually meets on the third Monday in the month to discuss a wide range of matters. Occasional ad hoc meetings may be held to discuss specific topics. The calendar of meetings for the current year can be found here.
Unless indicated otherwise members of the public are welcome to attend all the Parish Council’s meetings. Parish Council meetings are usually held in the Village Hall and commence at 7pm. The Agenda for the meetings is published in advance on this website and on the Council’s notice boards. People wishing to speak to a particular Agenda item may do so, but are asked to observe a normal time-limit of two minutes for their contribution.
Sub-Committee structure
The Council delegates much of its business to sub-committees and working groups, details of which can be found here.
Powers of Parish Councils
Parish councils have a variety of powers and duties, all of which impact directly on the community, including:
- Allotments
- Burial Grounds, Cemeteries, Churchyards and Crematoria
- Bus Shelters
- Bye-laws – the power to make some bye-laws
- Clocks – public clocks can be provided and must be maintained
- Community Centres, Conference Centres, Halls, Public Buildings
- Drainage – of ditches and ponds
- Entertainment and the Arts
- General Spending – parish councils can spend a limited amount of money on anything they deem of benefit to the community that is not covered by the other specific responsibilities described in this list
- Highways – lighting, parking places, to be consulted about new roads, road widening, diversions, traffic calming, signs and other notices, tree planting and verge maintenance
- Land – acquisition and sale of
- Litter – provision of litter-bins and support for any anti-litter campaigns
- Planning – the local planning authority must notify parish councils of, and must take note of parish councils’ comments on, planning applications in the parish
- Postal and Telecommunication Facilities
- Public conveniences – provision and maintenance of public toilets
- Recreation – provision of recreation grounds, public walkways, pleasure grounds, open spaces, village greens, gymnasiums, playing fields, holiday camps and boating ponds
- Rights of Way – footpath and bridleway maintenance
- Seats (public)
- Signs – danger signs, place names and bus stops signs
- Tourism – financial contributions to any local tourist organisations allowed
- War Memorials